Using .col-md-4 to occupy 4/12 columns thus fit 3 cards in a horizontal row on medium and larger screens. Replace .col-md-4 with .col-md-3 to fit 4 cards per horizontal row. Delete other elements if not necessary.
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Using .col-md-4 to occupy 4/12 columns thus fit 3 cards in a horizontal row on medium and larger screens. Replace .col-md-4 with .col-md-3 to fit 4 cards per horizontal row. Delete other elements if not necessary.
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Using .col-md-4 to occupy 4/12 columns thus fit 3 cards in a horizontal row on medium and larger screens. Replace .col-md-4 with .col-md-3 to fit 4 cards per horizontal row. Delete other elements if not necessary.
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